Ingolstadt, Germany July 2004
At the Ingrisch Schrebergarten
by Jody McKim
with cousins Axente & Renate Formann & Jody McKim Pharr

Werner Ingrisch 

wife Lissi geb Schulz of Knees

Sister Maria Ingrisch

Werner and Lissi have grapevines surrounding their lot, with very healthy clusters.  Which they will make wine in the above press Werner built.  In the second photo, are miniature houses that Werner built.  Notice the stenciling on the wall in the background, he did that also.  Ingrisch are very talented people.  The little house Werner built after they took possession of the lot.  On the right is an enclosed dining area and to the left is a kitchen like room, and Werner dug out a nice size cellar where he stores things that need to be kept cool.   Below is a photo of a water barrel, which provides water leading to the shower in the back that Werner constructed.

At the summer house they have a kitchen in the back side, a eating area inside but we
dined on the patio. Werner built a cellar in this little house also. (bldg 1)

Summer house where Werner and Lizzie go on nice days, away from their condo in Ingolstadt. This building existed previously & is used for a storage shed & out house (bldg. 2)

I was impressed with the grill Werner made himself.
And you should taste his homemade sausages! (kitchen area in back)

Lizzie & Werner are great host and are wonderful cooks!

Cousins Werner and Axente

Lissi's beautiful flowers.

Their Vineyards

Werner, a resourceful and creative man.

Their vegetable garden.
There is no plumbing at the summer house, they have a water pump.
Below is a photo of a homemade shower and wine press Werner created.


On this day we (Werner & Lissi, Axente & Renate Formann, Sammy and I)
had ourselves a time. A time I will always remember.

 Below is the only group photo we had made and it was in Ulm.

 How We Connected

     I connected with Werner Ingrisch and wife Lizzie through Alex Leeb, who is from Knees, the same village Lizzie is from.  Axente Formann (Mehala, Timisoara) and wife Renate found my family website and contacted me.  Unbelievable, after all these years of separation we are connected.  And what was more amazing is Axente and Werner both live in Ingolstadt, Germany, but had no prior knowledge of one another until after Axente contacted me.  After months of corresponding we planned our trip to Germany.  Werner and Lizzie graciously opened their home for us to stay.  Werner, Lizzie, Axente and Renate took time off from work that week to spend with us.  We all traveled to Ulm to attend the Donauschwaben Treffen and stayed at the Inter City Hotel.  

See us in Ulm

Ingrisch Schrebergarten 2005