Little did I know....

Five years ago, as a results of a message I posted, Dave Dreyer responded with the below information regarding the Ingrisch Family of Mercydorf and their families.  Little did I know that I had met one of the descendants during my trip in 1999 and one day I would sit in the house number 327, the home of Hans & Mari Hermann May 2004.  Then in March 2005 I would locate the sister of my Great Grandfather Martin Ingrisch, Christine Ingrisch married to Jacob Unterweger, their son was Josef Ingrisch + Anna M Lamping. Small world. 

From: dreyer <>
Subject: Ingrisch in Mercydorf
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000


I suspect that your warm fuzzy feeling was just in your head.
According to the Einwohner list as of 1940-1945 in the Mercydorf
Heimatbuch there were the following Ingrisch families;
Martin Ingrisch + Anna Pfau 41
Jakob Ingrisch + Margaret Bien Jakob 42
with mother-in-law, Elisabeth Bien
Franz Ingrisch + Elisabeth Leidl Franz, Peter, Elis 120
Josef Ingrisch + Anne M Lamping 183
Franz Ingrisch + Maria Schiebinger 204
Peter Ingrisch + Margaret Luperger Peter 196
Peter Ingrisch + Elisabeth Till 301
Jakob Ingrisch + Susanna Mehrfeld 327
Also in HN 327 lived Peter Fedrich, wife Maria Ingrish, kid Maria.
I count nine Ingrisch families in Mercydorf at this time.
There are no Ingrisch families in a parish list of 1794. Since immigration to the Banat was over by 1794 they likely came to Mercydorf from another Banat locality.  There is a very poor Ortsplan in the book and one cannot establish the location of individual houses but one can work out which street a couple of the houses were on.
For example, houses 32 and 41 were on Zigeuner gasse (Gyspy Ally). I suspect, not a great location to live. HN 301 was on Berg Scharifeck.

Dave Dreyer